Oval (Only Alpha - Fuzion 5010)

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Oval (Only Alpha - Fuzion 5010)

Availability: Out of stock

GFR Composite Material features:

● Maintains shape under intense mechanical and environmental stresses

● Not effected by soil or climate conditions

● No rust or corrosion and salt resistant

● Used on airplane wings, military tanks and bridge beams

Available Sizes

12' x 26'
15' x 30' - 6"
16' x 32' - 9"
17' x 34' - 6"
18' x 27' - 8"
18' x 35' - 8"
20' x 40' - 1"
22' x 39' - 6"




Scientist, lab technicians, and product engineers together created Fuzion 5010 by combining advanced material technology with AutoCad Inventor 3D computer product design technology. Partnering in the development of the Fuzion 5010 retaining wall system, the product engineers worked hand in hand with the material technicians using Computer Added Finite Element Analysis modeling to determine the exact fiber reinforced composite material blends and the exact product design to maximize strength. The end result... The strongest, non-corrosive construction component wall and bracing system that has ever developed for the construction of swimming pools.
Additional Info
  ExBracing composite system for added strength for challenging ground condtions.